These are some projects I’ve worked on with various clients. The process starts with a consultation meeting where we find out what the most important components are. Once that’s established, the thumbnail process takes place where we come up with as many ideas as possible. At this point, it’s just refinement back and forth until the desired end result is found.
Mint mens grooming
Michael Vincent - 2019
Finished skull and Rose images for Mint Mens grooming. Skull is the main logo, while the rose is meant to be a patch on the front.
Images of the process included.
Mindful fitness
Travis Groft -2018
The idea was to show unity and harmony, while symbolically overlapping the three most important keys to existence: Mind, Body, and Soul.
Process included.
Mint grooming (2)
Michael Vincent - 2018
Same client as before. This logo was the initial approach, but will be used for kid friendly apparel.
Gabe Samson - 2018
The landing and navigation pages for a website. The client and I wanted a minimal feel to the images.
Zack Kuster - 2017
Real estate moving and remodeling service.